Tokyo Rose / An American Patriot cover
Pre-WW2 America
Case Documents
Toguri Interview
Manila Rose
Author's Bio
How to Contact
What's New
Eisenhart Yen Note
Toguri Hearst Contract
Tillman Interview of Iva Toguri
CIC Memo on Tokyo Rose
Peanut Guerrilla
Annotated Case Documents
from Post-War U.S. (1945 - 1947)
Iva Toguri's 1945 signed contract with Hearst/Cosmopolitan stating she was the one and original Tokyo Rose
Iva Toguri's April 30, 1946 signed statement to FBI Agent Frederick Tillman
Sugamo guard Dick Eisenhart's yen note from 1945 (in color!) that later proved so crucial for the prosecution at trial
Army Counter-Intelligence-Corps 1946 memo casting doubt on the existence of Tokyo Rose
Tokyo Rose /
An American Patriot:
A Dual Biography
Update on Sugamo Prison's "peannut guerrilla"