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Trial Testimony of Marshall Hoot
Section 3 of 3
Vol. XXI, p. 2194
Q. Do you recall when a Commander Perry landed his plane on one of the Gilbert Islands?
A. December 29, 1943.
Q: 1943?
A. Right. That is December 29th.
Q. Do you remember what time he landed? It was in the afternoon, wasn't it?

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A. 8:00 o'clock.
Q. 8:00 o'clock in the evening?
A. Yes.
Q. Isn't it a fact that you heard that announcement within two hours after Commander Perry had landed his plane on the island?
A. It was on the Zero Hour. When that was - I have stated that - it was on the Zero Hour when she came on the Zero Hour, probably around 1800.
Q. And that was the same voice that you had heard previously?
A. The same voice.
Q. What did the voice say?
A. She said, "Congratulations on your safe landing, but you will be sorry." And that is the reason I have plotted out January 2nd. We were sorry.
Q. Isn't it a fact that that voice named Commander Perry?
A. She congratulated him and called him by his own first name, by his name.
Q. Do you recall in substance just what she did state in response to Commander Perry?
A. That is all I can remember, her congratulations to Commander Perry, and that is what alerted us to the last part of February. That is why I didn't listen to the radio for entertainment. It was for business purposes only.
Q. Did she state something there in substance or effect like this: ---
A. She said, "Congratulations, Commander..Perry, on your safe

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landing, but you will be sorry if you don't leave soon or now." And that is what alerted us. That was on the 29th.
Q. That was the same voice that you heard on these other programs, is that correct?
A. Yes,
Q. Do you recall what island it was?
A. I was laying off between 50 and a hundred miles off the south end of Nenus, standing by for another bomber squadron.
Q. You know that Commander Perry landed that afternoon?
A. He landed.
Q. At approximately 2:00 o'clock?
A. Thereabouts. I wouldn't say for sure, somewhere in that.
Q. Do you recall the name of the island?
A. He landed on the island of Abamama.
Q. Abamama?
A. On the map they changed that from Apamama to Abamama. Navy changed that to Abamama. It was Apamama first.
C. It was originally Apamama?
A. Apamama, and they changed it.
Q. Isn't it a fact, Mr. Hoot; that within the last two days you made a statement to a newspaper man in the corridor outside this courtroom concerning that incident?
A. Not as I know of.
Q. You did not talk to anybody?

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A. I do not know no newspaper man.
Q. Did you talk to anybody in the corridor outside of this courtroom or the witness room?
A. I have talked to only the witnesses. I never talked to anyone else about the case yet.
Q. Did you talk to Mr. Payne Knickerbocker? Is he here? Will you stand up?
(A gentleman in the courtroom arose.)
Did you talk to this gentleman within the past day or two?
A. I have seen him here the last six weeks. I do not know who he is. I do not know his name and I do not know who he is.
Q. You have talked to him?
A. I have seen him. I do not recollect talking to him.
Q. Did you talk to him ---
A. I talked, to him this morning, out there.
Q. Did you talk to him about this Commander Perry incident?
A. I did not.
Q. You did not?
A. Not as I remember.
Q. You did not state to him either today, yesterday, or within the past six weeks either in the corridor outside of this courtroom or in the witness room ---
A. He may have overheard me, yes, to the witnesses out there. I have never been ashamed or think Commander should be either.

Vol. XXI, p. 2198
Q. Didn't you state to him during that time I have just mentioned that Commander Perry landed at 1600, which was 4:00 o'clock p.m., at Abamama Island and that between 6:00 and 7:00 o'clock that evening you heard a voice over the radio announce, which you identified as Little Annie, Orphan Ann or Ann, "Hello Commander Perry. We know that you have landed at Abamama and we have not forgotten you. We know you are there. Greetings," or words to that effect.
A. I did not hear her say that, and I do not remember of saying it, although if you would ask me, I probably would have.
Q. You stated that somebody?
A. I think your time is wrong there, Mr. Collins. It could have been--it could have been up to 3:00 o'clock.
Q. Didn't you state to him that that incident had occurred on December, 29, 1943?
A. That is the day, that is the afternoon that the incident. happened. That is the afternoon that he landed.
Q. You listened to these programs while it was still daylight as a matter of fact, isn't that right?
A: That is right.
Q. Before darkness had set in? You are sure of that?
A. That Is right.
Q. Isn't it a fact that in the Gilbert Island area, Mr. Hoot, there is very little twilight?
A. Twilight is not too long.

Vol. XXI, p. 2203
MR. HOGAN: Do you have that letter?
If Your Honor please, the Government wishes to offer in evidence two-page letter dated January 3, 1943, and the envelope.
THE COURT: It may be admitted and marked next in order.
(Letter and envelope referred to were thereupon received in evidence and marked United States Exhibit No. 26.)
MR. HOGAN: With Your Honor's permission, I will read the letter to the Jury.
The envelope is addressed, "Mrs. Jennie Hoot, 2205 Westboro Avenue, Alhambra, California." The return address M. Hoot, CMB, Acorn 16, Navy 809, care Fleet Post Office, San Francisco," postmarked January 6, 1944. "Passed by Censor J.W.F." The letter is dated January 3, 1943 and reads as follows:
"Dearest Biddy and Betty,
I have received Betty's letter this a.m. Sure glad you heard from me. I know how it is not to hear, I am O.K. yet. Betty, you are right about that Ortega boy. No, I do not know many CB's. Dear put down January 2nd on the calendar and remind me to tell you things, things sure happened fast out here, what we had been waiting for happened, or started. I am just a little older today and maybe a little grayer, but we can take it, and what you read in papers, do not let it worry you any more than you can help. Babies, it is all bad.

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"I would of loved to seen mama when you gave her the letters. Yes, I wrote often to ease my loneliness, and you or mama must write every day if you can. That is the most important thing on this island, mail and more mail. Well, Charlie and his washing machine cut me off. Will finish later.
"January 4th. I am still O.K. this a.m. Hope my babies are the same. We have a radio now and we get Tokyo best, they have a CM girl"--
THE WITNESS: "They have an AM girl, American."
MR. HOGAN: Say that again,
THE WITNESS: An American Jap girl.
MR. HOGAN (Continuing reading): "They have an American Jap girl who has turned down the United States for Japan. They call her Tokyo Rose, and does she razz us fellows out
here in the Pacific, telling how well Japan is getting along, and to hear her start out you would think that she was broadcasting from the U.S. and sorry that we were loosing so many men and ships, it sure makes the fellows sore.
Last night before Charlie---"
THE WITNESS: We call him Charlie and his washing machine, that is the Jap bombers.
MR. HOGAN (Continuing reading): - "we had KNY" "--
THE WITNESS: I don't know what that is. It may have been some station in there.

Vol. XXI, p. 2205
MR. HOGAN (Reading): - - "made me so jittery"- -
You will have to read this one.
THE WITNESS: We were doing a little pitching. I couldn't read it myself after I got home. "Made me so jittery I smoked half a package of cigarettes,"
MR. HOGAN: (Reading) "Dear, you must buy up some liquor and hold it if you can. I haven't had a drink in along time, now that we have a chiefs club, maybe we can order us some. Please do not fail to loan me a buck or two now and then, you see, dear, although I am thousands of miles away I still depend upon you. I would not need money for Stateside when I get that thirty-day leave, which I hope comes along soon. Dear, have you got my seabag yet? It should be there by now. Honeybabies, I must lay off for today, hope I dream of you tonight as I think of you all day. So write me anything. Lots of love, Daddy.
MR. HOGAN: Just one more question, Mr. Hoot. Did you listen to any recordings before you listened to the recordings in this courtroom?
A. No, sir.
Q. I don't mean the exact recordings you heard here. Did you ever listen to recordings of the Zero Hour before you came to this courtroom?

Vol. XXI, p. 2206
A. I did.
Q. Where and when?
A. In Los Angeles.
Q. About when?
A. About six months ago.
Q. Did you at that time have a transcript before you?
A. I did not.
MR. HOGAN: No questions.
MR. COLLINS: Q. Mr, Hoot, I will ask you if you will look at this, because you can read it better than I can, Mr. Hoot. I will ask you just to refer to certain things in there. You have a statement in that letter that refers to an American Japanese girl, or American Jap girl. Can you find that in that, letter?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Will you just read that sentence?
A. "We have an American Jap girl who has turned down the U.S. for Japan. They call her Tokyo Rose,"
Q. Yes. Now, Mr. Hoot, where did you first learn that the voice that you were referring to in that letter was an American Japanese girl?
A. From--when the commanding officer of that theater alerted us to stand by for any--after this incident of January the 2nd and other incidents before that, we put a lot of stock in what she

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said. We began to listen, because any time she told us something was going to happen, it happened. How she found out I don't know, but that's where I learned the name of Tokyo Rose.
Q. No. What I am getting at, Mr. Hoot, is this: You have a statement in there that they have or we have an American Jap girl. Where had you first heard or learned that the person you were referring to was an American Japanese girl?
A. Well, you couldn't listen to the radio and listen to Orphan Ann, amongst thousands of men, there was somebody going to put a nickname on her. That Is the way I learned it. I don't know how they derived "Tokyo Rose." It was Iike "Axis Sally" and some of the others.
Q. You didn't know at that time that the voice was that of an American Japanese girl?
A. I found out.
Q. You didn't know it at that time?
A. What date are you referring to?
Q. The date in your letter, or by that date.
A. I knew that Orphan Ann and Tokyo Rose were one and the same through Navy Intelligence and other sources.
Q. Mr. Hoot, you haven't used in that letter the name Orphan Ann, Orphan Annie, Ann, or Little Annie, have you?
A. I did not because ---
Q. Now, what I want to ask you is this: You do make the statement in there that they have an American Jap girl or an American

Vol XXI, p. 2208
Japanese girl. Had you heard from any source at the time you wrote that letter that the person that you were referring to was an American?
A. Yes, sir, I had.
Q. From whom?
A. Through Intelligence. They are the one that alerted me to stand by for these programs, stand by in case of something, another attack. That was my job.
Q. Yes, but you didn't yourself know that the voice you heard was that of an American at that time, did you?
A. I know she could speak it better than I could or as good. That is the only thing I knew she was an American.
Q. All right. But you didn't know at that time the girl was Japanese, did you?
A. Yes, sir, I knew she was Japanese, or I wouldn't have said so.
Q. Yes, but did you learn that from something you heard over the radio?
A. I learned it before I - before, when I started this patrol off the Gilberts, after the battle of Tarawa, I was alerted on this and on this girl. That is what they called her on the program, Orphan Ann, the program, and she was known as Tokyo Rose to us, and Orphan Ann, Ann and other names.
Q. In your alert instructions, was any reference made to Tokyo Rose?

Vol XXI, p. 2209
A. To the Zero Hour, not to Tokyo Rose.
Q. Not to Tokyo Rose?
A. No, sir, to the Zero Hour.
Q. Now, did you hear anything over the radio that led you to believe that the person whose voice you heard was an American?
A. No one but someone raised in America and went to our schools could play records like the boys that I had with me wanted to hear. I don't think a Jap from Japan could have picked out the records and played them like that.
Q. Did any voice over the radio tell you that that voice an American or Japanese?
A. Nobody- no one over the radio told me that, no.
Q. Yes, and you didn't ascertain that from anything that was said over the radio, that the person whose voice you heard was an American Japanese?
A. The only thing I know, that after listening to her a while, after not too many of her broadcasts, we had her pegged then as being an American, the way she put her programs on. I had heard - I have heard programs, ever since they have radios, and she had a way of putting on a radio American style, and not only that, the Intelligence also, they knew.
Q. You did not know at that time that the person who broadcast whose broadcasts you heard, was either an American or a Japanese or a Japanese-American, isn't it a fact?
MR. HOGAN: I object to that, Your Honor. The witness has

Vol. XXI, p. 2210
answered the question.
MR. COLLINS: The witness has not answered the question, if Your Honor please.
THE COURT: Read the question, Mr. Reporter. (Last question read.)
THE COURT: He may answer that question, and let us conclude.
A. I did know that she was a Japanese-American.
MR. COLLINS: Q. That is only because you received some Information in connection with alert Instructions, is that correct?
A. I had my own opinions,
Q. That was your opinion, is that correct?
A. In a case like that, I use my own opinion. I had to. I didn't have---
Q. The voice you heard never spoke in Japanese, did it?
A. No.
Q. Never spoke with any accent you recognized?
A. No.
Q. So that the voice you heard spoke clear, fluent English, isn't that true?
A. That's right.
Q. So you did identify the voice as being that of a person fluent in the English language, is that correct?
A. That is correct, in one sense.
Q. And speaking English as an American speaks English, is that

Vol. XXI, p. 2211 Testimony continues on nature of voice.

Vol. XXI, p. 2212
Q. To which you had listened?
A. Yes, it was very close, some station we had listened to.
Q. Now, look at your letter also, and you state there, I think under January 4, I think that is the very top of the second page---
A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
Q. And you state there, "We have got a radio now," or we got a radio now.
A. Well, I have explained that I had a very efficient radio man and, well, the army had some radios laying around loose, and the boys, they kind of stuck to their fingers. We installed that. Then we had a more high-powered radio than we had ever had before. It was a new radio.
Q. Did you have a radio prior to that time?
A. We had two radios. We had a receiving, and also our regular 7500 kilocycle.
Q. Under the notation of January 4 in that letter where you say, "We got a radio now," you mean another radio?
A. That is right, a new radio.
Q. Was that also a shortwave?
A. Just shortwave.
Q. Were your other two radios also shortwave?
A. We had another small radio. We couldn't pick nothing up with that. The only one we could
pick up anything was this shortwave radio.

Vol. XXI, p. 2213
Q. So you didn't have good reception on your shortwave radio until January 4, 1944?
A. Oh, yes, we did. We had very good reception.
Q. You had very good reception?
A. We did.
MR. COLLINS: No further questions.
MR. HOGAN: One question, if Your Honor please.
Mr. HOGAN: Q. Mr. Hoot, you testified that on December 29, 1943, after addressing Commander Perry, Ann said in effect, "You will be sorry if you don't leave right now, and you also testified it was your experience out there that when Ann said something would happen, it did?
A. That's right.
Q. What happened after December 29, 1943?
A: On the night of January 2nd we were, taking on stores in a lagoon.
Q. Where was that?
A. On the Island of Abamama. That was on the south side, and I had ten marines and ten sailors, and the Japs came in at one flight at low altitude and one at high altitude, and they hit us at both ways, and we were out on this little finger pier, and we tried to get to the jungle. Bombs were falling within 50 yards of the craft. They made two direct hits, killed two of my men and I don't know how many marines, and burned up four

Vol. XXI, p. 2214
B-29's, 3500 gallons of gasoline on them, and I don't know how many thousands of rounds of ammunition. Anyway, the fire could be seen for 90 to 100 miles. That is what I had reference to this January 2nd in my letter, because one of these boys was a good friend of mine.
MR. HOGAN: No further questions, sir.
MR. COLLINS: Q. Isn't it a fact, Mr. Hoot, there was only one bombing on that day?
A. It was--we had two. We had one, we had. bombing in the early morning, reconnaissance, it wasn't an actual bombing, just a reconnaissance plane. We had two every day.
Q. You had two every day?
A. Yes, they would come, as they said, they would take a picture in the morning and throw it at us at night.
Q. How many bombings took place on that particular day?
A. Well, the only bombing that took place was at night, that night.
Q. Only one bombing?
A. Only one bombing, the reconnaissance plane, though, run us out of the lagoon.
Q. You say there were some casualties there?
A. There was casualties that night.
Q. Isn't it a fact that you stated in the presence of Mr. Knickerbocker here, either today or in the past six weeks, in

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the witness room or in the corridor, that there were three bombings that took place that day?
A. There were three, that night.
Q. And there were a number of casualties sustained and many people killed?
A. There was.
Q. Isn't it a fact there were no casualties?
A. I beg your pardon. I helped bury them. I ought to know.
Q. Isn't it a fact there was only one bomb dropped on that occasion?
A. I am sorry, there was five, there was five planes dropped them, l say, within 50 yards of where I was.
MR. COLLINS: No further questions.
MR. HOGAN: That's all. No questions.
THE COURT: Is that all from this witness?
MR. HOGAN: No further questions.
THE COURT: You may step down.
THE WITNESS: Thank you.
THE COURT: Jurors may be excused until 2:00 o'clock this afternoon.
(Thereupon at 12:06 p.m. an adjournment was taken to 2:00 o'clock p.m.)

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