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This four page Federal Broadcasting Intelligence Service report titled "Japanese Broadcasts To American Servicemen" accurately summarizes the Tokyo Rose phenomenon. The report is undated, but given its speculations on who Tokyo Rose might be, it was almost certainly written during the war.

How widely FBIS circulated the report is uncertain. However, we know the Department of Justice communicated extensively with FBIS during the pre-trial phase. This report proves that the U.S. government's radio propaganda experts knew that Tokyo Rose was a myth and presumably informed DoJ before it prosecuted Iva Toguri for treason.

For more information on FBIS and this report, see the
2014 Revised TR/AP, pp. 2, 5, 7, 274, 337-338, and 345n85,86.
FBIS Report on Tokyo Rose
Click on thumbnails to enlarge. Click on arrows in lower right to enlarge further.
Tokyo Rose /
An American Patriot:
A Dual Biography